A Civic Reception
The reception is at the newly built impressive Civic Centre conveniently just across the road from the diner and with similar extensive windows, giving a perfect view of Tollgate Rock and the Palisades. It is a gathering of around twenty people and the welcome is, as we’ve come to expect in the town, very warm. After a couple of days here we have so much affection for the place and its people it is great to get a chance to communicate this to everyone interested in our project. Jeriemy gives a short introduction and Ruth speaks about Moran’s Green River work, then it is my turn. Ordinarily I do not like speaking in public but words come easily to me.
At the end I present Jeriemy and the townsfolk with some archive material from the Bolton gallery and they are all very taken with a tea towel of the Green River Painting, available in the Museum shop in Bolton(and possibly online I’ll find out). Finally I present them with a small original work of mine as a memento of our visit. Despite it’s connections with Thomas Moran Green River does not yet have a public Art Gallery, my hope is that one day this small token of my appreciation might be part of a public collection in Green River.
I suppose this signals the end of our trip but there is one last surprise to come and my thoughts on why the expedition has such an impact on Moran.