Final Reflections on the Project
All Good things A long time to reflect I thought I'd give myself some time to reflect properly but certainly not as long as the time since my last post. In wanting to communicate some idea of the project having a lasting impact on my work only patience has suggested...
Notes from the Studio Feb 2014 ‘Green River Nightfall’
The Finale. This is the painting that eventually sat next to Moran's 'Nearing Camp' in the Gallery at the very end of the show. There was always a certain inevitability in me revisiting this view of Tollgate rock and the Palisades but only when I was sure that my...
Notes from the Studio Feb 2014 “The Wonders of Yellowstone”
This was the last painting I started, and by this point I wanted to feature a large piece in each different phase of the exhibition. It seemed a natural choice to gather the many sites of natural phenomena together in a "The Wonders of Yellowstone" section. It was the...
Notes from the Studio Jan Feb 2014 ‘Yellowstone Canyon Shelter’
Tales and Details During the Canyon phase of the studio work it became clear to me that much of what I do attempts to place the viewer in a position which would be otherwise inaccessible. In this piece I had a desire to create a degree of the disorientation that I...
Studio Notes Jan-Feb 2014 ‘Teton in the Sky’
A Mountain to Climb Feeling like this was all one big learning experience I approached each large piece in a slightly different way, this Teton painting was made by a gradual scaling up from a very small sketch to a work that was 60x40cm and then finally the 6ftx4ft....
Studio Notes Jan – Feb 2014 “Tollgate Rock”
The Big Country I'm sure that anyone who has followed this blog, through it's various twists and turns, will have become aware that one of my main ambitions was to see how the experience would be communicated in a number of very large pieces. Even in the earliest...
Green River, Studio Notes January 2014
A Long Anticipated Return As the trip culminated in the visit to Green River this was mirrored in it also being the last destination in the studio too. I got to this point feeling the pressure of the exhibition looming and also the challenge of creating work on a...
Buffalo and Printing (Notes from the studio December 2013)
A Beast for the Eyes I am so happy that I decided to produce some work which stemmed from Buffalo. Some experiences reverberate in such a way, the original moment has so many facets that we have to return to it. I filled a couple of sketch pads with studies and this...
Wonders (notes from the Studio December 2013)
Earth Power One of the most interesting challenges I faced in the studio was the time I spent trying to evoke the natural phenomena of Yellowstone. Whether it be the Geysers, steaming pools or the mineral terraces of Mammoth, each are still underpinned by the creative...
Project Diary 3rd June 2014
This Time Last Year The anniversary of the trip seemed like the perfect time to return to the blog to tie up all the loose ends. I can't believe that it's a full year since we were sat on the plane with all the anticipation of what might be. Looking at these pictures...
The Preview 27th Feb
Pictures from an Exhibition This a collection of images from the preview night. I arrived with Andrew an hour before the start and had chance to have a final look at the show quietly. A really lovely late surprise was the gallery deciding to add a Turner water colour...
The Preview 27th Febuary
A Big Night Tonight is the preview for the exhibition and as the blog has been such an important part of this odyssey it feels right to gather my thoughts about what this means to me here. I will keep posting and hope to give a comprehensive communication of the final...
Studio Phase Dairy 24th Feb
Action Man I think I always knew there would be a time when the work would possibly take over and my attempts to catalogue it's progress on the blog might become more difficult than I had assumed. When the work first began I was struck that my passing thoughts were so...
Studio Phase Diary 2nd November
Water Falls An update on my watercolour attempts is long overdue. I've shifted my attention onto the Canyon as subject matter, with the results so far seemingly separating along two paths. I have a sketchpad which I decided would be dedicated to the experience of the...
Studio Phase Diary 30th October
The Lost Canyon After completing an initial sketch for the larger Canyon works I've been spending the last couple of weeks working with colour glazes over the umber base. I usually varnish after this first layer, this is great as I can move the colour around and wipe...
Studio Phase Diary 23rd October
Links to the Past Each page of the buffalo sketchbook seems to be an invitation to discover more about the animal, myself and the very nature of art. I am so used to dealing with the subject of landscape these studies have a freedom and experimentation that seems born...
Merry Christmas! December 2013
Holiday Greetings and a big thank you to everyone reading the blog for your continued support since May and very kind comments. I'd love to return to Wyoming in Winter as soon as I am able, in the meantime I can dream, this has been inspired by the Canyon work and was...
Studio Phase Diary 15th October
Dreamworks I am preparing to move up in scale from the Canyon studies. My thoughts keep returning to a dream I started to experience a day or so after first visiting the site. In the dream the RV was precariously balanced on the edge of a collapsing precipice. I can...
Studio Phase Diary 12th October (2nd Post)
Time and Pressure I arrive at the print room, it's moved to a different campus but there is a very reassuring presence here, in the form of the printing presses on which my first prints were produced 20 years ago. A printer has a very unique attachment to presses,...
Studio Phase Diary 12th October
College Days I want the project to have as much impact as possible, perhaps in the same way that Moran had such a positive influence on my early paintings, my work and Andrew's photographs in the exhibition might hopefully have a similar effect on young artists, who...
Studio Phase Diary 11th October
Gold Rush Today sees the first day of the initial Canyon phase and I feel that over the last few weeks I've given myself a very good idea of how the rest of the project may progress. Following the trip structure seems to be working, both in terms of a natural route...
Studio Phase Diary 10th October
Mountains or Molehills It's strange how the passage of a day or so can bring clarity to what seems like a conflict demanding an immediate solution. I can see now that there is no conflict, I've just been giving myself different opportunities, trying a few different...
Studio Phase Diary 8th October
Peaks and Troughs Moving into the final stages of the Teton work a number of experiments have jarred whilst I am painting them. It's almost as if they could be someone's else's paintings. I realise, in some, I am trying too deliberately to depict the mountains,...
Studio Phase Diary 5th Oct
Animal Magic I have the feeling that we were very lucky with our experiences of wildlife on the trip. We got very close to a moose, close enough to both brown and black bears but not as close as we'd like to a ghostly white wolf. These sightings were usually...
Studio Phase Diary 29th September
Moving On Up I get the feeling that it's time to move up in scale from the Teton Sketch paintings. In these larger works I try a few different approaches, each starting with a slightly different intention. In some of the paintings working directly from photographs as...
Studio Phase Diary 25th September
Water baby Over the next few days I've continued with the small studies, as well as a few water colours at a similar scale. The challenge for me is to use watercolour in a way which stems more naturally from the way I paint, rather than feeling tempted to adopt the...
Studio Phase Diary 21st September
Where to start? So after all the anticipation, preparation and reflection, I have a day of exasperation! I spend a number of hours finding more tidying to do, knowing full well it's classic task avoidance. Eventually I am struck by the realisation that I literally...
Studio Phase Diary 20th September
Room to Grow I've settled on working in the studio in my home, at this point. With a bit of a clean up and reorganisation of the space to enable a number of different working areas are at my disposal. I thought it might be interesting to keep a photographic log of how...
Studio Phase Diary 17th September
A Rest is as Good as a Change It's only been three months since the trip to America but in one of those strange quirks of nostalgia I feel like its been an age since actually being there, happily the experiences ideas and the desire to communicate them are vividly...
Research Trip Diary 18th June
Final thoughts to Begin With So there it is, I am back in Bolton and the first stage of the project is complete, it's a good time to look back, in preparation for the time when I will be producing the work. A few weeks ago in the introduction posts I asked the...